I've been watching the moon since I can remember.
I can stare at it for hours.
Feeling it closer and closer, as if at some point it would slip inside me.mi.
It's like a release, as if for a moment I empty myself and can breathe better.
It pauses me and gives me presence, the one I unintentionally lose almost all the time.
I feel the sea inside me, little by little the waters calm down and I can hear it -me-, as if I were floating in myself.
I'm learning to listen to the gaze to intuit all those things that the layers hide, that separate us from ourselves.
At some point, I started creating my own moons.
A bit in an attempt to recapture the essence of what is hidden. Wanting to hold onto it a little longer.
Sometimes it's not necessary to see things, but rather to stop and look at them closely. To discover what they have to show us.
That simplicity that teaches us that beauty can be present in almost everything if we are willing to see it.
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